Kartik Gokhale
Hastyn Doshi
Like playing games? Want to make your own AI to master a game? If so, this will allow you to implement Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for the game Flappy Bird. Not familiar with the game. Do watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQz6xhlOt18. Additionally, we will be creating our own version of the game. If you're adequately excited for it, we can use a proper game engine for the same. Check this cool video, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fiQsWFwvD0
Basic Python and willingness to learn
Week Number | Tasks to be Completed |
Week 1 | Catching up on Python and Git |
Week 2 | Basics of Reinforcement Learning |
Week 3-4 | Working on the Game environment |
Week 5-6 | Implement Reinforcement Learning to the game agent |
Week 7-8 | Training and documentation |