Homomorphic Encryption for k-NN on the Cloud

Mentors :

  • Nilabha Saha

  • Maithri Suresh

Mentees :

  • 5

"The project would involve implementing a paper on application-specific homomorphic encryption, the application being computing the k nearest neighbours to a supplied query point on an encrypted database stored on the cloud. The mentees would learn (in reference to the paper):
- how to implement socket programming for communication between the various entities involved
- how to set up, create, and interact with a Docker container externally to simulate the cloud server
- SageMath and how to implement basic cryptographic schemes
- how to implement an asymmetric scalar product preserving homomorphic encryption scheme
- how to connect everything they've built together

Link to the paper:

- Python
Expectations: This project entails going through a paper and implementing it. Hence, a respectable amount of serious effort is expected from the mentees, including an investment of 3 - 4 hours per week.