Seasons of Code


Checkout the 2023 projects below!!!

What is Seasons of Code?

Seasons of Code is a programme launched by the WnCC, along the lines of GSoC without much greenery though.

The incentive is similar to ITSP, based on the current form of it, the fundamental difference is that one can choose from the ideas offered by mentors who are senior undergrads, doctorate students or professors, and in some exceptional cases, startups. It is not just about development by the way. We have mentors to take up programmes regarding competitive coding, scientific computation etc. too.

Why should you participate?

Seasons of Code gives you an amazing opportunity to learn and dive into coding under the mentorship of the best in our institute.

Our list of projects gives you a chance to pick up and work on any topic you are enthusiastic about. You have a chance to work on a variety of topics ranging from machine learning to app development. The projects will help you enhance your knowledge and strengthen your foundations as a programmer.

Join The Force

Do. Or do not. There is no try.


The Force is strong with you.
Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.
The Force will be with you always.
Ready are you?

Become a Padawan


I can feel you code.
It gives you focus. It makes you stronger.
Use the force
and someday you will be the most powerful Jedi ever.

Become a Master

Upcoming Missions for the Jedi Order