Web and
Coding Club
IIT Bombay

Web and Coding Club is one of the biggest clubs of IIT Bombay. As a part of the Institute Technical Council, we aim to provide a gateway for the people in our institute to join the coding community. We create a platform which allows students to gain assistance and mentorship to enhance their coding ability. We believe that every student here at IITB should have an opportunity to learn how to code and develop a passion for it. The secret of getting ahead is getting started and we aim to provide every student with the right start.


Seasons of Code

Seasons of Code

Seasons of Code is a programme launched by the WnCC, along the lines of GSoC without much greenery though. The idea is that one can choose from the projects offered by mentors who are senior undergrads, doctorate students or professors, and in some exceptional cases, startups. The projects floated span several genres, including Development, Scientific Computation, Machine Learning and Open Source. With most of the projects running in summer, we’ve also had projects that have extended into the semester and some in winter.

Internship Preparation Session

Internship Preparation Session

To help prepare for the gruesome intership season, WnCC along with Career Cell IITB organized this Internship Preparation Program. We regularly released DSA preparation booklets (comprising both theory and questions) from 13th to 27th June 2021. Moreover, for assistance with the doubts related to the bookletsc we had with us, Aakash Kapoor, an IITB electrical 2020 graduate, currently, a Machine Learning researcher at Samsung. He also held detailed DSA tech sessions to help people learn.

WnCC Wiki- Grundy

WnCC Wiki- Grundy

It is an educational wiki, meant to help beginners get started with programming. It’s got 100+ articles, on various programming topics. All tutorials are hand-tailored by students of IIT Bombay. However, unlike conventional programming tutorials, these take a slightly different approach. Rather than reinventing the wheel, Grundy aims at bringing together a number of online tutorials and resources along with a set of pre-requisites and motivation to learn a programming skill.

Learner's Space

Learner's Space

Learners’ Space, is a programme done in collaboration with the Career cell, where enthusiastic students can pursue courses of their interest. It serves as an excellent platform for students to learn new things and make the most out of summer vacations. WnCC runs courses on a variety of topics ranging from Python, Machine Learning to Web/App development. Material (Tutorials, References & Documentation) is released, along with weekly assignments/projects allowing students to implement all that they have learned.



The WnCC newsletter is all about delivering the latest and greatest news in the tech space! Now it has been made even more interesting by linking to entertaining and thought provoking videos. We envision the newsletter to be not only a source of latest news but also of nostalgia for the alumni. You will definitely enjoy the WnCC Newsletter!

Code in Quarantine

Code in Quarantine

Code in Quarantine was a venture by WnCC aimed to help people begin their journey in programming. It spanned 8 weeks and covered a variety of topics such as Machine Learning, Competitive Programming, Web development, Blockchain etc. Beginner friendly resources and tutorials were shared along with tasks to help strengthen the concepts.



Reflections are our beloved series of informal events that aim to give one an idea of the breadth of Computer Science. These are mostly conducted in Hostel Lounges, where speakers discuss about their CS research projects conducted as RnDs or internships. The problems discussed are usually very specific, but the discussion often covers an overview, providing a general understanding of the topic.

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Number of Wiki Articles


Number of Github repos


Improving the Coding Culture

since 15 years

This year 300+ people

Participated in SoC

The Team


Ishit Garg


Shreedhar Malpani


Aryan Bhosale


Aryan Goyal


Atishay Jain


Chaitanya Aggarwal


Navyansh Mahla


Parth Pujari


Shrey Aggarwal


Soutrik Sarangi


Contact Info

Get in Touch with Us

We are always looking for new exciting projects and collaborations. Feel Free to contact us!